October Malawi Update


An exciting community event occurred last month when 110 children, aged 6 years, graduated to formal primary schools from the Community-based Childcare Centres (CBCCs).  In 2010, FVM constructed their first nursery school facility with the purpose of providing early-childhood education, as well as a feeding program for children to access nutritional food.  Since then, hundreds of children have had access to nutritious food, along with strong preschool education through these Community-based child care centres.  We celebrate this accomplishment for these 110 children and give thanks for the many wonderful volunteers who have worked diligently with these children.

Pictured Below: (Left) Chief Nandolo and other chiefs present gifts to teaching volunteers. (Right) Parents dance in celebrating the graduation of their children.


FVM has been carrying out Eye Care programs in the areas of Taulo and Nandolo for a few years now in conjunction with the Malawi Government Ministry of Health, Lions Norway and BICO (Blantyre Institute of Community Ophthalmology). Many people have undergone successful cataract surgery and numerous others have been given eye glasses free of charge.  This past month, 5 people underwent successful cataract surgery at Zomba Central Hospital, with FVM facilitating the logistics from screening to treatment.


  • Three community-based Bible Study Sessions were conducted and 31 people attended.
  • Four open-air gospel outreach activities were held. 
  • Radio broadcasts on Trans World Radio (TWR) continue to reach out to many people with the Good News. TWR has expanded its signal to eastern Zambia, Mzimba, Rumphi, and Chitipa. We get encouraging feedback from time to time through telephone calls and texting

A newspaper article was included in the local paper with Newton (red shirt in photo) advocating for child protection from gender-based violence.  


Please continue to pray for the scarcity of diesel (gas) in Malawi which has been very challenging.

—-Newton Sunday Sindo


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