We hope you’ve had a good start to 2025!
Newton Sindo, Country Manager, has shared a wonderful progress recap for 2024. It has been a busy year! Below is a summary of a few key programs. As you read about the number of lives touched by your generosity, we thank God for each of you. What a difference you make!
105 young people, 79 in secondary schools and 26 in colleges and universities have been assisted with tuition fees. Two students graduated with a Bachelor of Arts—Humanities, and a Bachelor of Science—Banking and Finance. It is encouraging to have more than 96% of the students receiving education support continue their education. There are still pressures, early marriage being a significant one, that cause a small percentage of students to be unable to continue with their education.

409 children, ages 3-6 years, received preschool teaching and food through the nutrition program. In addition, FVM supported 204 other children in the nursery schools, initiated by Save the Children International, which are far from the Chinangwa Nursery School built by FVM. FVM supported by providing technical support to the teaching volunteers and caregivers, transporting food items from Feed the Future, and helping the caregivers develop their skills through training and meetings.
Four boreholes underwent major maintenance. There is a challenge with vandalism and theft of the components for the boreholes. This can cause them to be unusable for months. We value prayer that the village heads and community leaders will encourage respect and care for the boreholes in place.
Chinangwa Nursery School was built by FVM in 2011 and has become an epicentre for community activities in GVH Taulo. Apart from being a childcare centre, the place is also used as an evacuation centre during floods, a general elections polling centre, a meeting place for various stakeholders, and a weekly health service provision centre by the Ministry of Health. This has made the only existing toilet insufficient. The community members excavated the trench and FVM supported the construction of a new toilet.
Thirty-seven community-based weekly Bible Study and evangelism sessions have been conducted. An average of 80 people have been attending while more than 600 people have been reached with the Good News through the community Bible lessons. Four million listeners have been reached through the two Radio Broadcasts on Trans World Radio. Four thousand college and secondary school students have been reached with the good news of Jesus through the Student Christian Organisation of Malawi (SCOM). Over 5,000 calendars in English and Yao languages were distributed. The calendars in the Yao language were distributed to the Islamic-dominated regions of Zomba, Machinga, and Mangochi. We thank God for these incredible opportunities to share the hope and light of Jesus!
Two major sports tournaments were conducted in GVH Taulo and Nandolo where 4,000 people were gathered and entertained while at the same time getting health services and social development messages. On the same occasions, more than 200 people accessed HIV & AIDS services (testing, counselling, reproductive health), eye care (screening, treatment, and later surgery), outpatient services, and Cancer Screening. The youth were taught about the importance of understanding sexual and reproductive health and rights issues.

Crowd of people on sports day listening to GVH Nandolo.
It has been exciting to be able to share pictures of the construction in progress. The road has been completed and materials have been brought in and stored in containers on site so that construction can continue throughout the rainy season. A trip is planned for the last two weeks of February to see the progress first-hand. We continue to be blessed by opportunities to learn best practices and ways to ensure that this Facility remains a well-established and efficient beacon of hope and light for spirit, soul and body.

PICTURED ABOVE: (LEFT) Sunuzi Health Centre Main Clinic at foundation level. (RIGHT) Sunuzi Health Centre staff housing under construction.
As 2025 begins we want to express our deep gratitude for all who have come together to make this possible. We have seen God make a way in so many areas and our greatest joy is to join Him where He is already at work. The needs will continue as we move into 2025 and will increase in some areas. We appreciate prayer for wisdom in all decisions.
In November 2024 the yearly appeal went out with remaining costs for the Health Care Facility. We are so thankful for the continued generosity and hope that is given through your donations. We are glad to talk or meet to discuss support and answer any questions.
We send wishes for a New Year filled with joy and peace.
The Future Vision Ministries family (North America and Malawi)