Most months we update you on the programs and activities that FVM operates and is involved with, but this month we would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to some of our special staff members. They are the backbone of FVM and we are extremely grateful for the talent, expertise and commitment of our entire staff in Malawi. We will update you with stories on more staff in the coming months.
Newton Sindo
Country Manager
Future Vision Ministries

Senior Group Village Head (Chief) Taulo has remained a beacon of progress for FVM work in Southern Malawi since August 2009 when the first needs assessment study was conducted. He is always full of smiles and laughter every time you meet him. His home is a warm home to many.
He is head of a relatively bigger area of about 16km2. He leads 26 chiefs (village heads) and the whole community has about 9,000 people of which 52% are females. Taulo is very instrumental in providing leadership for the social and economic development of his area. From his own resources, he raised tree seedlings and shared to his community for agroforestry. Chinangwa Nursery School (the one FVM supports) has also benefitted from his initiatives.

Teaching Volunteers (left to right): Richard, Rozina, Raphael, Chrissy and Liston
These teaching volunteers have been the engine of FVM’s operations in the community of Chief Taulo for more than 11 years. They are all dedicated to service and keeping the facility safe since it was constructed 10 years ago. Male volunteers watch over the facility without pay. Apart from caring and teaching more than 300 children (aged 3-6 years old), they also are fully involved in producing crops to supplement the food that FVM provides for the children. All of them are trained in taking care of the children. Missing in this group are Edwin and Adolla.

Gardener at the Guest HouseHastings joined FVM in 2020 working with McLoud in taming the gardens around Mulunguzi House. He is probably the humblest colleague. He is punctual and a very hard worker. Hastings is a good story teller and a passionate follower of current affairs, especially sports and politics. He was raised by his grandmother because his father and mother died when he was very young. He enjoys preparing food for the group working at the guest house during lunch time.

Luciano has been a security guard at FVM Guest House for the past seven years. He likes joking and laughing. He and his wife are friendly and like to joke with their friends. Luciano is generally very friendly but very strict on his job. He is the most punctual worker in FVM.

Rabson is the oldest of all our workers at FVM (Malawi). Apart from providing security services, Rabson takes care to clean the grounds around the house. Every time you enter the gate, Rabson bows showing humility and respect to visitors. He also enjoys singing gospel songs, while “dancing to the glory of God!”

Peter joined FVM four years ago. He is generally a quiet person but likes watching and playing soccer. He is also very friendly and focused on his work.